- date
- 2021-09-18
- convened
- 09:35
- adjourned
- 10:45
- President: Phil Gates (N5ZKF) present
- Vice President: Rick Pfeil (W4RDP) absent
- Secretary: Matthew Barry (KG5LYE) absent
- Treasurer: Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ) present
Attendees (15)
- Harold Turbyfill (KG5SDG)
- Jim Laird (KF5YY)
- Avery McIntosh (N7ALM)
- Ernest Laney (K5ENL)
- Joe Napoli (KG5SDF)
- Donna Kleinert
- Wayne Pecena (N1WP)
- Ken Reeves (KE5FIV)
- Jeff McDowell (KI5CES)
- Dick Zimmer (W5DZ)
- Ron Hambric (N5SBN)
- Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ)
- Phil Gates (N5ZKF)
- Lee Lance (KK5QO)
- Gerald Golub (W5VUI)
Officer Reports
President Phil Gates (N5ZKF)
Club Logo
- Thank you for your input last meeting
- There was a 3-way tie, officers had tie-breaking vote
- Selected logo: design by Lorna’s son-in-law
- Awaiting final artwork and will get back to the club with more details
Bryan 150th Celebration
- Special event station
- Tentatively schedule for 2021-21-13
- Possible Locations:
- Farmer’s Market just north of downtown
- Bryan High School
- Donna Kelinert is a part of the Farmer’s Market organization and will introduce us
- Show of hands, please, if you would support such an effort?
- Unanimous
ID Timer Kit Build
- 21 people signed up
- Waiting for the rest of the parts
- Need to pick a date
- Some might just want the kit to assemble on their own time
- N5ZKF will contact each person who signed up to determine if they would like to have a group build
New Committees
- Need help for two new committees:
- Web and Social Media steering Committee
- Field Day Committee
- Handed out survey to see options and get a show of interest
- several handed-in
August Meeting Minutes
- Motion by W5VUI to accept meeting minutes as sent out
- Seconded by KK5QO
- Passes unanimously
Vice-President Rick Pfeil (W4RDP)
- Please sign up for Field Day Committee
- Looking for ideas for after-meeting presentations
- Ernie Laney has spoken with Dr. Bob Heil (K9EID)
- Willing to do a Zoom or Skype presentation with the club!
Treasurer Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ)
Bank Account
- Starting balance $6,817.30
- Total income: $82.89
- $2 from ARRL membership renewals
- $18.89 Amazon Smile donations
- $15 from VE Team
- Disbursements: $47
- Ending balance: $6,853.19
Secretary Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
Other Business
VE Test Session
- Next scheduled VE test session will be prior to October meeting on 2021-10-16 (08:00?)
- Testing to return to “even” months
- To W5VUI: Could we appoint a second VE coordinator to assist when busy?
- W5VUI: think only one coordinator is allowed
- W4RDP: heard from ARRL that multiple are allowed
- W5VUI will verify
Any New Hams?
- guest Donna Kleinert: studying for exam
Health and Welfare / Good of the Order
- If anyone needs help with anything please reach out to the club. You can contact any of the officers at:
- officers@bryanarc.org
- Phil Gates directly: n5zkf@arrl.net
- Motion to adjourn by Harold Turbyfill (KG5SDG)
- Seconded by Joe Napoli (KG5SDF)
- passes unanimously
October Meeting
Next Meeting: 2021-10-16 09:30, in American Legion Main Hall