Category: Press Release

Replacing the W5BCS repeater antenna.

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Field Day 2021

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Member Spotlight: Lee Lance (KK5QO)

In a recent net, we posed the question, “Have you ever operated amateur radio for an emergency?” for open discussion. Lee Lance (KK5QO), one of our members, was unable to be on the net, but shared his story after he saw the question in the minutes: That was how I got interested with ham radio. …

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Remembering the Millers, WA5OMD and KC5CDJ

Tom, WA5OMD (SK), and Peggy Miller, KC5CDJ (SK), were active in the Bryan Amateur Radio Club for years and friendly voices over-the-air. They will be missed by their family, ham radio friends, neighbors, and the countless other lives they touched. Thomas Miller Peggy Miller

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Your Field Day entry

If you would like to contribute to the BARC Field Day score, you can submit your home station results to the ARRL and specify “Bryan Amateur Radio Club” in the “Club or Group Name” field and the ARRL will add your score to the BARC score.  The online ARRL Field Day Entry is here: …

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BARC activity poll

Please participate in a short poll regarding possible future activities for the Bryan Amateur Radio Club. There are eight choices Note that the Doodle site runs ads and they sometimes ads right in the middle of the poll items so, make sure you scroll down and see all eight choices!

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Need a new hobby?

Looking for new things to do while you’re isolated from the COVID-19 virus? See how others are staying in-contact using Amateur Radio. What is Amateur Radio? How can you get your license? Now would be a great time to study the concepts and prepare for your own amateur radio license. Contact us: …

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Brazos County Public Health Emergency Order

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Bryan MidTown Park Program Statement

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Presentation about Amateur Radio Nets

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